Facts Over Feelings? Not Exactly.

Allegra Acevedo
5 min readNov 6, 2020

I’ve seen them. You’ve seen them. We’ve all seen them. You know, those posts circulating all across social media platforms spreading blatant lies about a Biden presidency. I don’t have the time to individually correct every single one of you, nor do I wish to engage in that, but to promote an agenda of “facts over feelings” without even having your facts straight is absolutely embarrassing.

So let me break it down for you:

  1. Don’t complain when your taxes go up!

Biden’s tax plan raises taxes on those making $400,000 from 37% to 39.6%. Chances are this tax plan will not affect you. But even IF it does, let’s visit how taxes work. In the simplest of terms, taxes follow a bracket system. You pay the tax percentage of that specific bracket. Let’s say I’m filing as a single woman making $90,000/year. That means, I would pay 10% on my income up to $9,875 +12% on my income BETWEEN $9,876 and $40,125 + 22% on my income BETWEEN $40,126 and $85,525 + 24% on the rest of my income between $85,526 and $163,300 (not including Social Security, credits, deductions, exemptions, Medicare, etc.). That means (for the purposes of this example) I would pay $15,670.50, not $21,600 (24% of $90,000). Under Biden’s new tax plan, that would stay exactly the same. If you don’t make $400,000 a year, you’ll be paying the same amount in taxes. And if you make $400,000 a year, every dollar under that will be taxed exactly the same.

Sources: Biden tax plan & Understanding tax brackets

2. Don’t complain when your health insurance goes up!

Studies have shown that expanding affordable healthcare access (and expanding the ACA) would actually lower the cost of private health insurance. Making a public option more affordable increases competitive pricing in all aspects of healthcare, making private insurers more likely to lower their costs. See it yourself here.

3. Don’t complain when they take more out of your paycheck because of climate justice!

I will say I was impressed by the use of “climate justice” instead of a flat out denial of the climate crisis, but, alas, it’s still wrong! Remember when I said Biden is only raising taxes on those making $400k+ (and major corporations)? You won’t be bringing home any less in the name of climate justice (but if you were, would saving our planet really be a bad thing?). The tax revenue made by raising taxes is how Biden plans to (sorta) achieve climate justice. (He’s told us enough that he’s not banning fracking!!!) But, if you’re looking to save more money, Biden plans on expanding tax credits for those opting for renewable energy.

4. Don’t complain when you lose your job because 11 million illegal immigrants suddenly become legal and your employer decides to hire someone at a lower wage!

So you agree… employers exploit minority workers.

But in all seriousness, undocumented immigrants are not stealing your jobs. Immigrants aren’t either. In fact, they tend to be more qualified for your job anyway! According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 16% of all immigrants (arriving after 2000) hold advanced degrees, compared to 13% of native U.S. citizens. And let’s not forget that 75% of all immigrants arrived legally and the most common form of illegal immigration is overstaying your visa, not crossing the border.

PS: Research shows immigrants help grow and support the economy.

PPS: Don’t point the finger at immigrants when employers exploit their workers and opt to pay them lower wages (as you said yourself). Blame your bosses for prioritizing profits over you.

Sources: AP Fact Check & NPR

5. Don’t complain when your job is eliminated because of the rising minimum wage!

Ahhhh, pointing the finger at initiatives that would increase quality of life for all Americans instead of recognizing the real issue at hand: corporate greed. (I’ll tackle this issue without addressing corporate greed, but just some food for thought.) The federal minimum wage was last raised in 2009 to $7.25. In the 2020 election, Florida (think: red state!!!) voters approved of increasing the minimum wage to $15. This won’t happen overnight. It happens in gradual stages, similar to New York State’s minimum wage plan. According to the Economic Policy Institute, by 2024 “two adults working 40 hours a week at $15 per hour will earn $62,400 per year. If these two adults have two children to care for… there will be no area in the country where they can live and meet the basic requirements of their family budget with wage income alone.” If the simple fact that a $15 minimum wage is necessary for families everywhere doesn’t sway you to support raising the minimum wage, maybe the fact that the economy will see boosts in consumer spending and the fact that workers actually become more productive will. Economists agree that there is little evidence showing there will be major job loss due to raising the minimum wage.

PS: Raising the minimum wage is linked to reducing suicide rates. A living wage is quite literally suicide prevention.

PPS: Raising the minimum wage has been shown to decrease crime rates and allows people to break cycles of poverty and prison. A living wage is quite literally crime prevention.

Note: EPI is a left-leaning think tank, but the rising cost of living supports their ideas, alongside research from other economists (see studies linked in Wash. Post).

Sources: EPI & Benefits of raising the minimum wage

6. Don’t complain when automotive jobs are outsourced!

Biden vows to create 5M manufacturing jobs” Just gonna leave this one here.

PS: Let’s not forget that Trump actually has not grown the economy or jobs significantly compared to other presidents. In fact, in April unemployment hit 14.7%. For context it peaked at 10.8% during the Great Recession. Sourced here.

7. Don’t complain when houses aren’t affordable anymore!

Not sure where this idea of “anymore” comes from considering the fact that houses aren’t even affordable now. But under Biden’s tax plan (not Trump’s!), first-time homeowners will be eligible to receive up to $15,000 in tax credit. Bonus: Read how Trump’s tax plan actually harmed millions.

8. Don’t complain when the education system gets worse!

You know, you might have a point with this one. Fixing our education system doesn’t start or end with Biden or Trump. Buuuut, here are the facts. Biden plans to make public colleges and HBCUs tuition free for families making less than $125,000 a year. He also wants to expand community college programs and other training programs and make them tuition free. Education is linked to escaping cycles of poverty. Creating free college programs and initiatives allows people to finally break the cycle. On top of that, he might actually help out with your student debt! And make Pre-K available everywhere! Trump wants to expand charter schools, which means less funding for your school districts (in districts that fund per student). Regardless of who is president, the US education system is just as segregated as it was pre-Civil Rights Era. Read more about how neo-liberal policy reform has widen achievement gaps here.

